Species Quota Report

Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Preliminary Data - Subject to revision

Run Date: Jul 26, 2024

Last Data Update: Jul 25, 2024 21:23

Landings as of : Jul 24, 2024

Quota Management Cycle beginning in Year: 2018

Species : (360) Capelin

Notes :

  1. 1. Landings, catch and quota data may not always match one another for any number of reasons including (but not limited to): quota management cycles differing from calendar year cycle, hail information being used to report quotas prior to landings, different document sources not yet reconciled with one another and delays in receiving documents from industry.

    2. This report reflects only NL Region landings against Regional and/or Canadian-wide quotas. To view catch information in other regions or complete quota allocations, please see Canadian Atlantic Quota Report at Fisheries and Oceans National Statistics Website, http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/stats/stats-eng.htm

    3. Additional information may be used by Fishery Managers to open and/or close fisheries under quota.

    4. Due to Enterprise Combining, landings are allocated to the combined enterprise, which may result in the appearance of over/ under utilization of a quota.

    5. Detailed data in parts of this report may be suppressed due to privacy concerns.

(Numbers may not add due to rounding)
NAFO Licence
Quota Definition Quota
3K N/A Notre Dame Bay - Mobile Gear < 65' 780 1683 216 -903 Jul 30, 2018
3K N/A Cape Fox to Hampton, Inclusive - Fixed Gear < 65' 663 1413 213 -750 Aug 02, 2018
3K N/A Bottom of WB to Cape St. John - Fixed Gear < 65' 993 1077 108 -84 Aug 07, 2018
3K N/A Cape St. John to North Head - Fixed Gear < 65' 871 1490 171 -619 Aug 07, 2018
3K N/A North Head to Dog Bay Point - Fixed Gear < 65' 1804 2581 143 -777 Aug 03, 2018
3L N/A Bonavista Bay - Mobile Gear < 65' 741 405 55 336 Dec 31, 2018
3L N/A Trinity Bay - Mobile Gear < 65' 973 717 74 256 Dec 31, 2018
3L N/A Conception Bay - Mobile Gear < 65' 1852 2821 152 -969 Jul 17, 2018
3L N/A Bonavista Bay - Fixed Gear < 65' 1298 1854 143 -556 Jul 24, 2018
3L N/A Trinity Bay - Fixed Gear < 65' 2335 3071 132 -736 Jul 23, 2018
3L N/A Conception Bay - Fixed Gear < 65' 1930 1882 97 48 Jul 25, 2018
4R N/A South of Cape St. Gregory - Fixed Gear < 65' 280 544 194 -264 Aug 04, 2018
4R N/A Big Brook to Cape Bauld - Fixed Gear < 65' 686 1121 164 -436 Aug 04, 2018
4R N/A West Coast 4R3Pn - Mobile Gear < 65' 2244 2587 115 -343 Jul 18, 2018
Total N/A N/A 17450 23247 133 -5796 N/A
Total All NAFO Divisions N/A N/A 29121 27978 96 1143 N/A