Species Quota Report

Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Preliminary Data - Subject to revision

Run Date: Jul 26, 2024

Last Data Update: Jul 25, 2024 21:23

Landings as of : Jul 24, 2024

Quota Management Cycle beginning in Year: 2013

Species : (705) Crab, Queen/Snow

Notes :

  1. 1. Landings, catch and quota data may not always match one another for any number of reasons including (but not limited to): quota management cycles differing from calendar year cycle, hail information being used to report quotas prior to landings, different document sources not yet reconciled with one another and delays in receiving documents from industry.

    2. This report reflects only NL Region landings against Regional and/or Canadian-wide quotas. To view catch information in other regions or complete quota allocations, please see Canadian Atlantic Quota Report at Fisheries and Oceans National Statistics Website, http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/stats/stats-eng.htm

    3. Additional information may be used by Fishery Managers to open and/or close fisheries under quota.

    4. Due to Enterprise Combining, landings are allocated to the combined enterprise, which may result in the appearance of over/ under utilization of a quota.

    5. Detailed data in parts of this report may be suppressed due to privacy concerns.

(Numbers may not add due to rounding)
NAFO Licence
Quota Definition Quota
2J FS-Full-Time Supplementary South of 54'40"N (2J/2JS) 1165 1066 91 99 Jul 15, 2013
3K FS-Full-Time Supplementary Nearshore 3K (4) 5975 6065 102 -90 Jun 15, 2013
3K I-Inshore White Bay (3B) 460 489 106 -29 Jun 15, 2013
3K I-Inshore Green Bay (3C) 495 450 91 45 Jun 15, 2013
3K I-Inshore Fogo/Twillingate (3D) 968 951 98 17 Jun 15, 2013
3K I-Inshore Inshore 3K (3BC) 196 217 111 -21 Jun 15, 2013
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Midshore (MS) 1576 1474 94 102 Jul 31, 2013
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Midshore Extended (MSX) 3780 3836 101 -56 Jul 31, 2013
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Outside 170 and Inside 200 NM (3LX) 2822 2844 101 -22 Jul 31, 2013
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Outside 200 NM (3L200) 2053 2056 100 -3 Jul 31, 2013
3L SS-Supplementary Small Nearshore (NS) 6424 6597 103 -173 Jul 31, 2013
3L SS-Supplementary Small Midshore (MS) 3795 3890 102 -95 Jul 31, 2013
3L SS-Supplementary Small Southern Avalon Outside of 50 NM (8B) 650 704 108 -54 Jul 31, 2013
3L SS-Supplementary Small 8Bx portion of 8B (8BX) 191 195 102 -4 Jul 31, 2013
3L SS-Supplementary Small 8Bx North (8BXN) 1262 1137 90 125 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Bonavista Bay - Inner (5A) 851 818 96 33 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Bonavista Bay - Outer (5A) 539 528 98 11 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Trinity Bay - Inner (6A) 599 585 98 14 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Trinity Bay - Outer (6A) 691 682 99 9 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Conception Bay - Inner (6B) 716 713 100 3 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Conception Bay - Outer (6B) 834 848 102 -14 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Eastern Avalon - Inside 25 Miles (6C) 1599 1582 99 17 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore Southern Shore - Inside 25 Miles (8A) 1197 1195 100 2 Jul 31, 2013
3L I-Inshore St. Mary's Bay - Outer (9A) 319 304 95 15 Jul 31, 2013
3N FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Outside 200 NM (3N200) 2351 2255 96 96 Jul 31, 2013
3O SS-Supplementary Small 8Bx South (8BXS) 873 440 50 433 Jul 15, 2013
3PS S-Supplementary CFA 10 Between 46'30"N to 45'35"N (10BCD) 3000 2878 96 122 Jun 30, 2013
3PS S-Supplementary CFA 10 South of 45'35"N (10X) 500 373 75 127 Jun 30, 2013
3PS S-Supplementary CFA 11 South of 46'30"N (11S) 230 113 49 117 Jun 30, 2013
3PS I-Inshore CFA 10 North of 46'30"N (10A) 530 524 99 6 Jul 19, 2013
3PS I-Inshore CFA 10 North of 46'30"N Outside 12 miles (10A) 1682 1655 98 27 Jul 19, 2013
3PS I-Inshore CFA 11 East of Western Head < 35' (11E) 280 290 104 -10 Jun 01, 2013
3PS I-Inshore CFA 11 South of 46'30"N > 35' (11S) 55 49 89 6 Jun 30, 2013
3PS I-Inshore CFA 11 S. of 46'30N / W. of 56'30W > 35 Exp (11SX) 140 125 89 15 Jun 30, 2013
4R N/A South of Table Point, Outside 8 Mile (Z12) 418 299 71 119 Jun 30, 2013
Total N/A N/A 49216 48227 98 989 N/A
Total All NAFO Divisions N/A N/A 52287 50818 97 1469 N/A