Species Quota Report

Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Preliminary Data - Subject to revision

Run Date: Jul 26, 2024

Last Data Update: Jul 25, 2024 21:23

Landings as of : Jul 24, 2024

Quota Management Cycle beginning in Year: 2016

Species : (705) Crab, Queen/Snow

Notes :

  1. 1. Landings, catch and quota data may not always match one another for any number of reasons including (but not limited to): quota management cycles differing from calendar year cycle, hail information being used to report quotas prior to landings, different document sources not yet reconciled with one another and delays in receiving documents from industry.

    2. This report reflects only NL Region landings against Regional and/or Canadian-wide quotas. To view catch information in other regions or complete quota allocations, please see Canadian Atlantic Quota Report at Fisheries and Oceans National Statistics Website, http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/stats/stats-eng.htm

    3. Additional information may be used by Fishery Managers to open and/or close fisheries under quota.

    4. Due to Enterprise Combining, landings are allocated to the combined enterprise, which may result in the appearance of over/ under utilization of a quota.

    5. Detailed data in parts of this report may be suppressed due to privacy concerns.

(Numbers may not add due to rounding)
NAFO Licence
Quota Definition Quota
3K FSI- Nearshore 3K (4) 3920 3685 94 235 Jul 10, 2016
3K I-Inshore Green Bay (3C) 338 336 99 2 Jun 30, 2016
3K I-Inshore Fogo/Twillingate (3D) 700 691 99 9 Jun 30, 2016
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Midshore (MS) 1576 1597 101 -21 Aug 07, 2016
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Midshore Extended (MSX) 3780 3917 104 -137 Aug 07, 2016
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Outside 170 and Inside 200 NM (3LX) 2822 2929 104 -107 Jul 31, 2016
3L FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Outside 200 NM (3L200) 1642 1659 101 -17 Aug 10, 2016
3L SS-Supplementary Small Nearshore (NS) 7156 7268 102 -112 Aug 07, 2016
3L SS-Supplementary Small Midshore (MS) 3795 3962 104 -167 Aug 07, 2016
3L SS-Supplementary Small Southern Avalon Outside of 50 NM (8B) 800 750 94 50 Jul 31, 2016
3L SS-Supplementary Small 8Bx portion of 8B (8BX) 134 69 51 65 Jul 31, 2016
3L SS-Supplementary Small 8Bx North (8BXN) 480 364 76 116 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Bonavista Bay - Inner (5A) 644 643 100 1 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Bonavista Bay - Outer (5A) 468 460 98 8 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Trinity Bay - Inner (6A) 631 585 93 46 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Trinity Bay - Outer (6A) 865 856 99 9 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Conception Bay - Inner (6B) 800 813 102 -13 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Conception Bay - Outer (6B) 1200 1137 95 63 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Eastern Avalon - Inside 25 Miles (6C) 1809 1813 100 -4 Aug 07, 2016
3L I-Inshore Southern Shore - Inside 25 Miles (8A) 866 865 100 1 Aug 07, 2016
3N FLS-Full-Time Large Supp Outside 200 NM (3N200) 2022 1441 71 581 Aug 10, 2016
3O SS-Supplementary Small 8Bx South (8BXS) 664 154 23 510 Jul 31, 2016
3PS S-Supplementary CFA 10 Between 46'30"N to 45'35"N (10BCD) 1260 412 33 848 Jul 07, 2016
3PS S-Supplementary CFA 10 South of 45'35"N (10X) 236 73 31 163 Jul 07, 2016
3PS S-Supplementary CFA 11 South of 46'30"N (11S) 109 41 38 68 Jul 07, 2016
3PS I-Inshore CFA 10 North of 46'30"N (10A) 523 323 62 200 Jul 14, 2016
3PS I-Inshore CFA 10 North of 46'30"N Outside 12 miles (10A) 597 173 29 424 Jul 14, 2016
3PS I-Inshore CFA 11 East of Western Head < 35' (11E) 157 66 42 91 Jun 30, 2016
3PS I-Inshore CFA 11 South of 46'30"N > 35' (11S) 100 71 71 29 Jul 07, 2016
4R I-Inshore Cape St. Gregory to Broom Point (12G) 130 130 100 0 Jun 30, 2016
4R N/A South of Table Point, Outside 8 Mile (Z12) 418 126 30 292 Jul 07, 2016
Total N/A N/A 40642 37408 92 3234 N/A
Total All NAFO Divisions N/A N/A 45655 41746 91 3909 N/A