Landings and Landed Value by Species

Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Preliminary Data - Subject to revision

Run Date : Jul 26, 2024

Last Data Update : Jul 25, 2024 20:35

Landing Year : 2013

Vessel Length Category: All Vessels


  1. 1. Landings, catch and quota data will not always match one another for any number of reasons including (but not limited to); quota management cycles which differ from calendar year, hail information being used to report quotas prior to landings, different data sources not yet reconciled and delays in receiving documents from industry.

    2. Flounders include American Plaice, Greysole, Yellowtail and Winter Flounder.

    3. Landings for species which do not meet the DFO privacy threshold are aggregated as other in each species category.

Groundfish (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
100 Cod, Atlantic 18,135,599 8,226,254 8,226 0 $8,215,498 $.453
110 Haddock 180,219 81,747 82 0 $77,647 $.431
120 Redfish 6,597,461 2,992,588 2,993 0 $5,906,619 $.895
130 Halibut 1,425,243 646,486 646 0 $5,486,305 $3.849
144 Turbot/Greenland halibut 23,759,552 10,777,262 10,777 0 $50,256,583 $2.115
149 Flounders 21,829,638 9,901,859 9,902 0 $14,697,284 $.673
160 Skate 695,347 315,407 315 0 $85,039 $.122
170 Pollock 327,715 148,651 149 0 $92,552 $.282
171 Hake, white 619,058 280,803 281 0 $232,505 $.376
173 Cusk 2,900 1,316 1 0 $369 $.127
177 Monkfish (Am angler) 116,083 52,655 53 0 $74,758 $.644
182 Grenadier, rough-head 31,094 14,104 14 0 $2,082 $.067
192 Wolffish, Striped/ Atlantic 12,492 5,666 6 0 $2,513 $.201
Other Groundfish 197,955 89,792 90 0 $192,787 $.974
Groundfish Total 73,930,355 33,534,589 33,535 0 $85,322,541 $1.154
Pelagics (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
200 Herring, Atlantic 65,188,615 29,569,362 29,569 0 $8,149,275 $.125
250 Mackerel 11,396,769 5,169,541 5,170 0 $2,836,461 $.249
254 Tuna, bluefin 59,219 26,861 27 75 $174,775 $2.951
352 Eels 82,581 37,458 37 0 $196,070 $2.374
360 Capelin 66,176,781 30,017,591 30,018 0 $6,021,312 $.091
Other Pelagics 49,324 22,373 22 0 $42,810 $.868
Pelagics Total 142,953,289 64,843,186 64,843 75 $17,420,703 $.122
Molluscs (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
612 Scallop, Sea 2,364,913 1,072,717 1,073 0 $2,492,779 $1.054
615 Whelks 10,459,579 4,744,434 4,744 0 $6,645,652 $.635
617 Scallop, Iceland 885,481 401,652 402 0 $788,664 $.891
Other Molluscs 53,735,800 24,374,399 24,374 0 $40,559,760 $.755
Molluscs Total 67,445,773 30,593,202 30,593 0 $50,486,854 $.749
Crustacean (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
700 Lobster 4,777,816 2,167,203 2,167 0 $17,259,693 $3.612
702 Shrimp, Pandalus Borealis 204,092,143 92,575,589 92,576 0 $219,478,430 $1.075
705 Crab, Queen/Snow 112,033,402 50,818,018 50,818 0 $220,254,688 $1.966
712 Shrimp, Pandalus Montagui 10,803,561 4,900,463 4,900 0 $18,149,845 $1.680
Other Crustacean 1,720,368 780,354 780 0 $598,769 $.348
Crustacean Total 333,427,290 151,241,627 151,242 0 $475,741,424 $1.427
Miscellaneous (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
959 Groundfish Heads 3,835,587 1,739,811 1,740 0 $7,249,270 $1.890
Miscellaneous Total 7,143,763 3,240,390 3,240 $14,871,189 $2.082
(Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
Groundfish 73,930,355 33,534,589 33,535 0 $85,322,541 $1.154
Pelagics 142,953,289 64,843,186 64,843 75 $17,420,703 $.122
Molluscs 67,445,773 30,593,202 30,593 0 $50,486,854 $.749
Crustacean 333,427,290 151,241,627 151,242 0 $475,741,424 $1.427
Miscellaneous 7,143,763 3,240,390 3,240 0 $14,871,189 $2.082
Species Category Total 624,900,470 283,452,994 283,453 75 $643,842,711 N/A