Landings and Landed Value by Species

Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Preliminary Data - Subject to revision

Run Date : Jul 26, 2024

Last Data Update : Jul 25, 2024 20:35

Landing Year : 2022

Vessel Length Category: All Vessels


  1. 1. Landings, catch and quota data will not always match one another for any number of reasons including (but not limited to); quota management cycles which differ from calendar year, hail information being used to report quotas prior to landings, different data sources not yet reconciled and delays in receiving documents from industry.

    2. Flounders include American Plaice, Greysole, Yellowtail and Winter Flounder.

    3. Landings for species which do not meet the DFO privacy threshold are aggregated as other in each species category.

Groundfish (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
100 Cod, Atlantic 29,608,426 13,430,294 13,430 0 $24,359,988 $.823
110 Haddock 95,630 43,378 43 0 $93,386 $.977
120 Redfish 9,048,998 4,104,598 4,105 0 $5,481,736 $.606
130 Halibut 2,190,327 993,526 994 0 $10,870,546 $4.963
144 Turbot/Greenland halibut 21,946,723 9,954,968 9,955 0 $53,561,422 $2.441
149 Flounders 25,558,579 11,593,295 11,593 0 $20,009,606 $.783
160 Skate 485,070 220,026 220 0 $53,806 $.111
170 Pollock 97,079 44,035 44 0 $26,265 $.271
171 Hake, white 297,550 134,968 135 0 $161,507 $.543
177 Monkfish (Am angler) 67,713 30,715 31 0 $56,632 $.836
Other Groundfish 32,601 14,788 15 0 $3,769 $.116
Groundfish Total 89,428,696 40,564,591 40,565 0 $114,678,663 $1.282
Pelagics (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
200 Herring, Atlantic 47,064,304 21,348,228 21,348 0 $9,408,154 $.200
254 Tuna, bluefin 93,480 42,402 42 126 $728,766 $7.796
360 Capelin 10,879,817 4,935,053 4,935 0 $1,773,410 $.163
Other Pelagics 1,170,097 530,753 531 0 $5,591,999 $4.779
Pelagics Total 59,207,698 26,856,436 26,856 126 $17,502,330 $.296
Molluscs (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
612 Scallop, Sea 2,287,169 1,037,453 1,037 0 $3,121,578 $1.365
615 Whelks 1,293,251 586,615 587 0 $1,494,830 $1.156
617 Scallop, Iceland 125,387 56,875 57 0 $140,912 $1.124
Other Molluscs 87,191,967 39,550,017 39,550 0 $64,019,752 $.734
Molluscs Total 90,897,775 41,230,960 41,231 0 $68,777,072 $.757
Crustacean (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
619 Sea cucumber 13,412,283 6,083,772 6,084 0 $8,007,133 $.597
700 Lobster 13,434,718 6,093,948 6,094 0 $105,733,646 $7.870
702 Shrimp, Pandalus Borealis 68,619,362 31,125,539 31,126 0 $126,592,932 $1.845
705 Crab, Queen/Snow 110,170,575 49,973,045 49,973 0 $756,763,148 $6.869
Other Crustacean 12,296,306 5,577,568 5,578 0 $26,607,534 $2.164
Crustacean Total 217,933,245 98,853,871 98,854 0 $1,023,704,393 $4.697
Miscellaneous (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
928 Roe, lumpfish 151,053 68,517 69 0 $203,713 $1.349
959 Groundfish Heads 5,774,551 2,619,319 2,619 0 $7,235,607 $1.253
Miscellaneous Total 9,459,253 4,290,689 4,291 $14,608,563 $1.544
(Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
Groundfish 89,428,696 40,564,591 40,565 0 $114,678,663 $1.282
Pelagics 59,207,698 26,856,436 26,856 126 $17,502,330 $.296
Molluscs 90,897,775 41,230,960 41,231 0 $68,777,072 $.757
Crustacean 217,933,245 98,853,871 98,854 0 $1,023,704,393 $4.697
Miscellaneous 9,459,253 4,290,689 4,291 0 $14,608,563 $1.544
Species Category Total 466,926,667 211,796,547 211,797 126 $1,239,271,021 N/A