Landings and Landed Value by Species

Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Preliminary Data - Subject to revision

Run Date : Jul 26, 2024

Last Data Update : Jul 25, 2024 20:35

Landing Year : 2013

Vessel Length Category: Nearshore: Vessels 35-64 ft. 11 in. (10.7-19.8m)


  1. 1. Landings, catch and quota data will not always match one another for any number of reasons including (but not limited to); quota management cycles which differ from calendar year, hail information being used to report quotas prior to landings, different data sources not yet reconciled and delays in receiving documents from industry.

    2. Flounders include American Plaice, Greysole, Yellowtail and Winter Flounder.

    3. Landings for species which do not meet the DFO privacy threshold are aggregated as other in each species category.

Groundfish (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
100 Cod, Atlantic 3,558,606 1,614,173 1,614 0 $1,562,839 $.439
110 Haddock 89,009 40,374 40 0 $28,179 $.317
120 Redfish 139,561 63,304 63 0 $43,541 $.312
130 Halibut 738,959 335,190 335 0 $2,891,927 $3.914
144 Turbot/Greenland halibut 8,784,438 3,984,595 3,985 0 $11,977,595 $1.364
149 Flounders 507,380 230,146 230 0 $220,928 $.435
160 Skate 608,728 276,117 276 0 $73,624 $.121
170 Pollock 123,926 56,212 56 0 $34,998 $.282
171 Hake, white 311,283 141,197 141 0 $116,979 $.376
177 Monkfish (Am angler) 93,748 42,524 43 0 $60,385 $.644
192 Wolffish, Striped/ Atlantic 417 189 0 0 $74 $.177
Other Groundfish 201,007 91,176 91 0 $193,252 $.961
Groundfish Total 15,157,064 6,875,199 6,875 0 $17,204,320 $1.135
Pelagics (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
200 Herring, Atlantic 30,043,725 13,627,744 13,628 0 $3,755,470 $.125
250 Mackerel 7,951,822 3,606,923 3,607 0 $1,979,819 $.249
254 Tuna, bluefin 59,219 26,861 27 75 $174,775 $2.951
360 Capelin 39,683,199 18,000,181 18,000 0 $3,611,171 $.091
Other Pelagics 6,067 2,752 3 0 $15,710 $2.589
Pelagics Total 77,744,032 35,264,461 35,264 75 $9,536,946 $.123
Molluscs (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
612 Scallop, Sea 2,313,976 1,049,612 1,050 0 $2,441,470 $1.055
615 Whelks 9,137,149 4,144,584 4,145 0 $5,874,863 $.643
617 Scallop, Iceland 529,635 240,241 240 0 $472,584 $.892
Other Molluscs 42,478 19,268 19 0 $38,606 $.909
Molluscs Total 12,023,237 5,453,705 5,454 0 $8,827,523 $.734
Crustacean (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
700 Lobster 38,672 17,542 18 0 $141,304 $3.654
702 Shrimp, Pandalus Borealis 109,382,333 49,615,501 49,616 0 $66,033,483 $.604
705 Crab, Queen/Snow 87,323,783 39,609,808 39,610 0 $171,677,447 $1.966
Other Crustacean 1,546,687 701,573 702 0 $537,981 $.348
Crustacean Total 198,291,474 89,944,423 89,944 0 $238,390,215 $1.202
Miscellaneous (Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
Miscellaneous Total 506,961 229,956 230 $1,525,647 $3.009
(Numbers may not add due to rounding)
Species Landed WT
Round Lbs
Landed WT
Round Kgs
Metric Tonnes
Round WT
Avg Value
Per Lbs/Num
Groundfish 15,157,064 6,875,199 6,875 0 $17,204,320 $1.135
Pelagics 77,744,032 35,264,461 35,264 75 $9,536,946 $.123
Molluscs 12,023,237 5,453,705 5,454 0 $8,827,523 $.734
Crustacean 198,291,474 89,944,423 89,944 0 $238,390,215 $1.202
Miscellaneous 506,961 229,956 230 0 $1,525,647 $3.009
Species Category Total 303,722,768 137,767,744 137,768 75 $275,484,651 N/A